Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Against All Odds

Hey bloggers!!!!!!! Sososo i haven't been writing in awhile cause i have nothing to write! I still have no idea what to write now!! hahahaaha
Jadi sebenernya hari ini mestinya sih gue MOS what ever thats for! Oh ya i have a question to all the kaka kelas yang suka ngerjain ade kelasnya DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO??? and yes i do mean every single one of you!! Ga penting tau ga sih ngata2in ade kelas dan mengurus hidup mereka!! I'm pretty sure your not yet that pinter mengurus hidup kalian sendiri!! Apakah ga ada yang mau menghentikan this ugly tradition?? Oh and kenapa ga ada yang mau mengehentiknya sih dari pihak sekolah that is! So actually I'm kindaf complaining right now!!!

so to all the kaka kelas stop it!! YOUR JUST EMBARRASSING YOUR SELF!!

See you later alligator! :D

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