What is up ya'll?? New York City has been my dream since I was a girl, I've been dreaming of living there in my own two bed room apartment with my dog called Dinosaur (no actually i just made up the name) anyway, been dreaming that one day I'll have a career that is louder than life it self, a career that will put me on the map of being one of the most successful chef in the big apple. I love that city because I know that dreams will come true in this magnificent city. Ok so anyway my dream goes like this... Gue bakal tinggal di 2 bed rooms apartment that allows pet pastinya. Tempat dimana gue bekerja adalah salah satu restoran bintang 5 yang sangat terkenal disana (haven't decide on which restaurant), terus dating a really extra salty guy! HAHAHHA terus gue bakal ngumpulin uang untuk open my own restaurant and when the restaurant is a big success I'll have my own line and fragrance. Gue belum berfikir untuk mempunyai anak sekarang karena kayanya the kid will just slow my career down, tapi mungkin one day I'll have one (just one is enough). Terus every month I'll go shopping near my place which will be Saks, Bloomingdale, and other big name stores hehehe... I just love my life! Then when the holidays come I'll go to Hawaii or Miami or other beach places! I love the beach! And when I'm 35 or so I'll get married in the city a big wedding with all my family and friends from all over the world and my ring would be a black diamond ring, (good luck to who ever's gonna marry me) HAHHA and I wont have my parents pay for my wedding, owhh and I'm going to design my own dress kalau ga ya Vera Wang is going to be the one who designed the dress, and yeah its for keeps! Semua yang di invite don't worry about the accommodation I'll handle it. Owhh and the honeymoon would be in Greece and then Indonesia to the most beautifulest beaches part of indonesia. Terus karena gue sudah super rich and powerful in my old days I'll just relax play golf or something... HAHAHHA ok so that's my whole dream I guess...
see you later alligators! :D
anything and everything
about me my friends and family I'll make you people laugh for sure!
Jumat, 23 September 2011
Senin, 12 September 2011
Just Some Words
Love the one who hates you, pray for the one who hurts you, forgive the ones who scars you, because God does the same for you.
Speak only words of kindness, think only of good thoughts, and have a good faith.
God has already designed our lives from the moment he created the sun, the earth, and the sky. Our God is infinite and definite!
When life brings you down, get back up, cause what you're going through is nothing compared to what Jesus had to save our lives.
The more you know about God the less interest you'll show to this world, and the more you'll think of others.
I scream Your name with all my heart. I blush and cry every time I see Your face. You shine brighter than the sun. Your love is as pure as gold. I will never leave You cause I know You'll never leave me too.
Semua manusia mempunyai cahaya yang terang di dalam dirinya masing-masing. Tinggal tergantung pada keputusan mereka, apakah ingin memancarkan terang tersebut kepada dunia yang gelap? Atau, hanya memendamnya sampai sinar itu meredup dan tak terlihat lagi? Sinar kita akan sia-sia. Pancarkanlah sinar kita pada dunia yang gelap.
Dunia ini keras dan susah untuk dilembutkan, tapi bukan berarti tak bisa. Kita bisa memulainya dengan melembutkan hati kita sendiri. Dengan demikian, perlahan tapi pasti, dunia sekeliling kita akan berubah.
Semua manusia mempunyai dua sisi kepribadian yang berbeda. Pilihan kitalah yang akan menentukan sisi manakah yang akan mendominasi hidup kita? Yang baik atau buruk?
See everything hard as a challenge that will bring you closer to God.
Being different doesn't mean that you'll have to be arrogant, also being humble doesn't make you a slave. And being leader doesn't mean that you'll have to be boring. Have fun with what you're doing and don't think of it as a burden. Think of it as a way of showing how much you love Him.
That's it for now. Masih ada lagi sih tapi cape ngetik
see you later alligators! :D
Speak only words of kindness, think only of good thoughts, and have a good faith.
God has already designed our lives from the moment he created the sun, the earth, and the sky. Our God is infinite and definite!
When life brings you down, get back up, cause what you're going through is nothing compared to what Jesus had to save our lives.
The more you know about God the less interest you'll show to this world, and the more you'll think of others.
I scream Your name with all my heart. I blush and cry every time I see Your face. You shine brighter than the sun. Your love is as pure as gold. I will never leave You cause I know You'll never leave me too.
Semua manusia mempunyai cahaya yang terang di dalam dirinya masing-masing. Tinggal tergantung pada keputusan mereka, apakah ingin memancarkan terang tersebut kepada dunia yang gelap? Atau, hanya memendamnya sampai sinar itu meredup dan tak terlihat lagi? Sinar kita akan sia-sia. Pancarkanlah sinar kita pada dunia yang gelap.
Dunia ini keras dan susah untuk dilembutkan, tapi bukan berarti tak bisa. Kita bisa memulainya dengan melembutkan hati kita sendiri. Dengan demikian, perlahan tapi pasti, dunia sekeliling kita akan berubah.
Semua manusia mempunyai dua sisi kepribadian yang berbeda. Pilihan kitalah yang akan menentukan sisi manakah yang akan mendominasi hidup kita? Yang baik atau buruk?
See everything hard as a challenge that will bring you closer to God.
Being different doesn't mean that you'll have to be arrogant, also being humble doesn't make you a slave. And being leader doesn't mean that you'll have to be boring. Have fun with what you're doing and don't think of it as a burden. Think of it as a way of showing how much you love Him.
That's it for now. Masih ada lagi sih tapi cape ngetik
see you later alligators! :D
Minggu, 11 September 2011
Tryin To be Fancy
Heyo waddup?? today I'm reviewing one of the most happening restaurant and bar in Jakarta its called Luna Negra. I went there a few days ago with some friends. Karena hari itu kita merasa sedikit lebih kaya dari biasanya (berhubung hari itu adalah awal bulan). Jadi ada kemungkinan kita akan membuat ini menjadi ritual awal bulan kita. Ok back to the topic the food was good, tapi menurut gue not worth the pay karena dengan rasa demikian membayar kurang lebih 100rb tidaklah memuaskan, gue makan king prawn ravioli kalau menurut gue sih, it was too soggy not enough flavor and the pasta was not cooked enough, tapi gue juga mencoba beberapa desert dan their famous flavored beer. Menurut gue kalau masalah desertnya mereka sangat memuaskan dan flavored beernya juga sangat enak. mereka mempunyai koleksi wine, whiskey, vodka dan minuman beralkohol lainya yang sangat fariatif mereka mempunyai berbagai merek wine dari berbagai tahun jadi bila kalian mau minum dan hanya memakan desert I recommend you go there, but if your hungry for main courses I don't think you should, oh and the salad was good it was not excellent though.
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My food the king prawn ravioli |
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The company, few of the greatest people in the world see you later alligators! :D |
Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011
Jesus Saved Me!
Wazzup ya'll?? Are you one of the believers or one of the non believers?? Doesn't matter cause after reading this i hope you all goin to believe!! Jadi critanya gini since i was a little kid gue udah kristen my parents are christians my grandparents are christians my whole fams are christians! Tapi gue i don't know what i am. Gue dari kecil udah greja and stuff but that was a ritual not because i believed in Jesus or anything. i tried to believe but failed. Trus gue beranjak dewasa, pas gue menduduki jenjang SMP gue mulai leaning towards being a non believer and more of the devil worshiper! hahahahah (not as extreme as it sounds) anywhoo... Ok so gue udh ga percaya Tuhan my studies were a mess my family was whatever, trus gue cuma bisa lari ke temen-temen gue but i got even more dissapointed, karena gue terlalu sering di kecewain gue jadi afraid of commitments banget dari situ setiap gue bangun pagi gue hanya berusaha suapaya hati gue numb i try to be as unfeeling as a girl could! Gue minum pain killer 4 tablet sebelum gue tidur just to get rid of all the feeling of dissapointment and anykind of feelings at all, gue berusaha untuk tidak memperdulikan orang, gue berusaha untuk pergi dari rumah when ever i could. I just runaway from the world runaway from my feelings! sebenernya sih kalo di bandingkan dengan orang lain lo bakal berfikir that my problems are simple, tapi gue benci banget dulu dengan keadaan kluarga gue yang setiap kali gue pulang cuma liat mereka berantem setiap kali gue pulang ada aja masalahnya sampe akhirnya gue yang nyuruh mereka cerai i just hate coming home feeling like crap!! Tapi nyokap gue terus berusaha untuk bertahan at that time gue berfikir lebih baik mereka cerai di bandingkan setiap kali gue pulang gue ngeliat mereka berantem. Hampir setiap malem i fell a sleep dengan kaca di tangan gue dan darah di lengan gue, gue cuma berfikir kalau gue mati, gue ga akan perlu merasakan sakit yang terus menerus seperti ini, and i don't even think thatanyone is going to miss me anyway. Iya sih emang nyokap gue kasih hampir apa aja yang gue mau, even though we're not that rich tapi dia kasih semua yang dia sanggup, but that wasn't enough. Lama kelamaan gue mengidap the depresi manic syndrome where everything is no longer satifying gue ga pernah merasa satisfied dengan apapun all i want is to die and not feel. Ok pas gue udah masuk SMA i found new friends they are more... what do you say hmmm experienced. Gue tetap melakukan all the things i did in SMP i still smoked i still drink but more and more. Gue udh sangat tidak memperdulikan nilai gue karena the teachers can be bought gue udah ada kendaraan sendiri which makes me easier to get anywhere. Sesampainya gue di bangku SMA kelas 2 gue diajak Vyra ke YC (Youth Camp) semacam ret-ret gitu pertama-tamanya gue ga mau banget dan sangat menolak! Tapi karena si Vyra bilang bakal seru gue turuti saja kemauan dia dan akhirnhya gue ikut disitu juga ada Onco Sua. Oncolah yang datang malam sebelum YC diadakan dan meminta bayaran. Nah pas hari Hnya gue males banget pergi tapi apa boleh buat yakan gue udah bayar... Akhirnya pun gue dengan sangat terpaksa ikut, and it was the best decision i have ever made! Di YC gue mengalami apa yang belum pernah gue alami sebelumnya gue mengenal siapa Tuhan and more importantly Bapa gue yang sebenarnya! Gue merasakan pelukan yang hangat kekosongan gue di isi dengan cintaNya yang sangat amat kepada gue! Pada hari itu gue menangis dan bertobat karena gue merasakan betapa besar kasihNya kepada gue. Gue ngerasa ga layak karena sudah terlalu banyak dosa yang gue buat, tapi Dia hanya berkata 'I love you no matter what you've done' disitu gue baru merasakan cinta yang abadi! Gue ngerasain gimana rasanya punya Bokap yang cinta sama gue, gue ngerasa gimana gue ga pernah di kecewain dengan kasihNya!
see you later alligator :D
Kalo lo mau ngerasain apa yang gue rasain ke YC tahun ini yaa November 5-6 ini akan diadakan lagi comment ke gue aja thx! ;)
see you later alligator :D
Kalo lo mau ngerasain apa yang gue rasain ke YC tahun ini yaa November 5-6 ini akan diadakan lagi comment ke gue aja thx! ;)
Kamis, 28 Juli 2011
can't seem to fall asleep
So I'm thinking i have this sortaf sleeping disorder the disorder thing is i cant seem to get any at night that is. but when the day light has come i could sleep like baby! this havent been a problem till now cause im starting college and i gotta wake up early!
see you later alligator! :D
see you later alligator! :D
Rabu, 27 Juli 2011
Against All Odds
Hey bloggers!!!!!!! Sososo i haven't been writing in awhile cause i have nothing to write! I still have no idea what to write now!! hahahaaha
Jadi sebenernya hari ini mestinya sih gue MOS what ever thats for! Oh ya i have a question to all the kaka kelas yang suka ngerjain ade kelasnya DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO??? and yes i do mean every single one of you!! Ga penting tau ga sih ngata2in ade kelas dan mengurus hidup mereka!! I'm pretty sure your not yet that pinter mengurus hidup kalian sendiri!! Apakah ga ada yang mau menghentikan this ugly tradition?? Oh and kenapa ga ada yang mau mengehentiknya sih dari pihak sekolah that is! So actually I'm kindaf complaining right now!!!
so to all the kaka kelas stop it!! YOUR JUST EMBARRASSING YOUR SELF!!
See you later alligator! :D
Jadi sebenernya hari ini mestinya sih gue MOS what ever thats for! Oh ya i have a question to all the kaka kelas yang suka ngerjain ade kelasnya DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO??? and yes i do mean every single one of you!! Ga penting tau ga sih ngata2in ade kelas dan mengurus hidup mereka!! I'm pretty sure your not yet that pinter mengurus hidup kalian sendiri!! Apakah ga ada yang mau menghentikan this ugly tradition?? Oh and kenapa ga ada yang mau mengehentiknya sih dari pihak sekolah that is! So actually I'm kindaf complaining right now!!!
so to all the kaka kelas stop it!! YOUR JUST EMBARRASSING YOUR SELF!!
See you later alligator! :D
Kamis, 14 Juli 2011
Introducing My Youngest Brother Onco
Heyo wazzup country side of Jakarta, New York and around??? (apasih ga jelas??) So one more thing you guys should know me I'm like totally obsessed with the great city of NEW YORK!!! Anyway back to the point. So today I'm gonna write a little about my brother from another mother Onco! Here goes nothing...
Jadi waktu SD gue dan kluarga gue sering banget jalan-jalan ke anyer, I just love the beach. Di perjalanan seperti biasa gue Vira, Onco dan Sua jokes around sambil terkakak-kikik dan kita cerita-cerita atau ledek-ledekan Sua suka ngeledekin Vira karena dia sipit, gue dan Onco hanya menjadi latar belakang yang ikut meramaikan suasana. Beberapa jam sudah berlalu dan akhirnya kita sampai juga di tempat tujuan. Sesampainya di anyer the old ones rested karena sudah agak sedikit malam. Tapi karena gue dan sodara-sodara gue a little bit too excited kita decided untuk pergi jalan-jalan ke pantai. Akhirnya setelah menunggu sekian lama pagipun tiba dan sambil jejingkrakan kita siap-siap mau ke pantai menghabiskan waktu di sana, body surfing and such. Tak kita sadari hari sudah semakin sore dan kita belum pulang juga. Sua dan Onco sedang main di tengah laut gue dan Vira lagi sok-sokan nyari kerang (padahal di situ kerangnya dikit). Karena sudah terlalu sore gue dan Vira mulai mengajak Onco dan Sua untuk kembali ke cottage Sua langsung menghampiri kita, akan tetapi Onco tetap berada di tengah laut, kita bertiga mulai bertriak-triak kearah Onco "nco ayo balik nco!!" Onco bilang "tunggu ka Sua, Onco lagi nyari kerang". Akhirnya sudah sekian lama Onco selesai juga dan kita pun kembali ke cottage. Sesampainya di cottage Onco bisik-bisik kepada Sua, tiba-tiba Sua ngakak ga berhent-henti Onco triak-triak "jangan kasih tau ka Vira sama Ici" (Ici my nick name) langsung gue dan Vira semakin penasaran, akhirnya Sua membuka mulutnya dan dia bilang "masa tadi pas mau pulang lo tau ga kenapa si Onco lama??" we said "kenapa wa critain!!" Sua "ternayata dia pupup di tengah laut, bilangnya sih sok-sokan nyari kerang ternyata membuang hajat!!" gue Vira Sua langsung ngakak sampai terpipis-pipis. Onco dengan muka muram malu campur marah berkata "kan gue udah ga bisa tahan tadi" HAHAHAHA gue sangat berharap please nco sekarang lo udah tidak melakukan hal tersebut! Well that's the end of the story hope ya'll enjoyed it and please do laugh!
see you later alligators! :D
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